Tuesday, September 06, 2005

weekend craftiness

A long, lazy weekend for me, filled with a lot of knitting and crocheting. Maybe too much.
Left hand Right hand
My index finger on my right hand has now swollen to about 150% of the size of my left index finger. The second joint of the finger is really sore. I think it's from knitting, because I use that finger to push the needle in my left hand back and bring the stitches forward. I've been making a lot of progress on the Interweave Mohair Cowl Neck sweater -- again, maybe too much. I always preach switching crafts and methods to avoid repetitive stress injury, but apparently, I don't listen to my own advice.

But the sweater is coming along nicely, despite my injuries.

I just have to do 5 rows of garter stitch to finish the left sleeve and then do the cowl neck. The colors of the yarn pooled in a really beautiful way on the sleeves:
Right Sleeve

Left sleeve

I hope it pools that way for the cowl neck, but I guess we'll see.

On the Baby Crafting front, I've added another project: stuffed animals. I'll be the first to say that normally I cannot support cheesy stuffed animals for babies. But there are a few cute patterns out there. Here's one (it's actually called the "Richard Rabbit," which I thought made it appropriate for the baby of Richard's best friend).